Children Of The Corn
Children of the Corn is a 1984 American horror film based upon Stephen King’s 1977 short story. Directed by Fritz Kiersch, the film's cast consists of Peter Horton, Linda Hamilton, John Franklin, Courtney Gains, Robby Kiger, Anne Marie McEvoy, Julie Maddalena, and R. G. Armstrong. Set in the fictitious rural town of Gatlin, Nebraska, the film tells the story of a malevolent entity referred to as "He Who Walks Behind the Rows" which entices the town's children to ritually murder all the town's adults, and a couple driving across the country, to ensure a successful corn harvest.
Grab some horror autographs from Children of The Corn signed by:
Jonathan Franklin
Courtney Gains
All horror autographs are certified by Beckett or JSA