Planet Terror / Death Proof

"Grindhouse" is a unique cinematic experience crafted by directors Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez. Released in 2007, the film pays homage to the exploitation films of the 1970s, presenting two separate feature-length segments, "Planet Terror" and "Death Proof," along with fake trailers and retro-style advertisements. "Planet Terror" follows a group of survivors battling a zombie outbreak, while "Death Proof" centers on a psychopathic stuntman who targets young women with his "death-proof" car. The film's gritty aesthetic, over-the-top violence, and tongue-in-cheek humor capture the essence of the grindhouse cinema era, delighting audiences with its nostalgic homage and inventive storytelling. Mintych Authentics proudly offers a selection of autographs from the cast and crew of "Grindhouse," certified by Beckett Authentication Services, allowing fans to own a piece of this cult classic film.

Mintych Authentics stands at the forefront of autographed memorabilia, boasting the world's largest selection of horror autographs, celebrity signatures, and collectible memorabilia. With a vast network of trusted sources and a dedicated team committed to authenticity and quality, Mintych Authentics offers collectors an extensive array of signed items from their favorite stars and iconic figures in the entertainment industry. Whether seeking rare horror autographs, coveted celebrity signatures, or exclusive memorabilia, Mintych Authentics remains the ultimate destination for discerning collectors, ensuring each piece meets the highest standards of authenticity and excellence.