The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Franchise
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is an American horror franchise consisting of eight films. The franchise focuses on the cannibalistic serial killer Leatherface and his family, who terrorize unsuspecting visitors to their territories in the desolate Texas countryside, typically killing and subsequently cooking them. The original film was released in 1974, directed by Tobe Hooper and written by Hooper and Kim Henkel.
Grab some horror autographs from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Actors
Gunnar Hansen - Leatherface (Part 1)
Marylin Burns - (Part 1)
Jim Duggans - Grandpa
Bob Elmore - Leatherface (Part 2)
Tom Morga - Leatherface (Part 2)
Bill Moseley - Chop Top (Part 2)
R.A. Mihailoff - Leatherface (Part 3)